Structured Settlement Notary Specialists
Structured Settlements are performed after a suit of some sort has been dispensed. It essentially allows monies owed to be made in payments and terms like a loan. This is in contrast to a lump sum, where all monies are paid in one single transaction.
The plaintiff is then able to choose how to accept the monies. Depending on their needs, it gives them flexibility how to receive the money in a way they can use it most wisely.
If in a court proceeding a plaintiff is determined to be owed money, a structured settlement can be considered instead of a lump sum. Both sides work with a trained consultant to determine the amount of money and the needs of the plaintiff. The consultant then uses the money to purchase an annuity from a life insurance company.
You would need to work with the attorney(ies) involved with your suit in arranging a structured settlement.
A business or an individual need to look no further for their notary needs. Sunshine Signing has the most experienced and professional notaries in the nation, who can complete your signing by going virtual or mobile to your site.
Our long track record stands for itself, and when you are signing a document that will effect your finance for years to come, you need the best in the business, and that is Sunshine Signing.

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Increase your efficiency and bottom line with Sunshine’s Mobile Notary Services and Online Notary Services. Sunshine is always there when you need us.