Notable Notary Defends Themselves in Trump and Stormy Signing
Talk about walking into a whirlwind.
When we brought word of the accusations against a Texas notary last week, we had no idea we were walking into the largest story surrounding the notarial profession in years. If you’d like to catch up on that, check out the Trump and Stormy Notary Conflict.
2 Sides to Every Story
So, we’d be remiss to not follow up now that the notary has responded with their side of the story. And accompanied by their attorney, started to make a strong defense and flatly stated the notary made no errors, as has been reported. Once again, we’ll leave the notary’s name out of it, and focus our attention on pulling for them.
In short, the notary in question responded that they were “Angry and Annoyed”.
The notary has been accused of not properly attaching a notarial certificate with the Non Disclosure Agreement alleged between President Trump and Stormy Daniels. They vehemently denied that claim, and pretty much alleged someone of misrepresenting the signing in the court complaint filed in California.
Is the Claimed Non Disclosure Agreement Legit?

The notary’s attorney says they do not believe the document filed in court is the actual document from the official signing. They say that the document from the signing was three pages long, while the document presented to the court is only two pages long. What exactly is alleged to have been altered was not specified, though the attorney was seeming to point to the proper notarial certificate was omitted, at the very least.
The notary got more specific, “I simply notarized Stephanie Clifford’s (Stormy Daniel’s legal name) signature on those documents. There is a third page that has an acknowledgement on it that shows she was there. I signed it. I stamped and dated, but that’s not in that agreement filed in the complaint”.
Direct Evidence for Three Pages
The accused notary also fired back with their journal. The name Stephanie Clifford (Stormy Daniels) is definitely recorded by the notary in their October 2016 entries.
In addition, the journal shows the notarized document as a three pages, as well as a notary fee of $18.
Hopefully the system will work out in the notary’s favor. As has been previously mentioned, the rules and regulations are in place not just to protect the client, but also the notary.
Notary Embroiled in Controversy
This all stems from an alleged Non Disclosure Agreement signed about a week before the 2016 Presidential Election, between David Dennison and Peggy Peterson, which are alleged pseudonyms for President Trump and Stormy Daniels. While initial reports seemed to indicate the notary was remiss in aspects of identity verification of the participants, the notary has pushed back and said they only signed off on the identity of Stormy Daniels, not of all three alleged parties to the agreement. The third party is Michael Cohen, who is one of the President’s lawyers.
This has led to potential charges being brought against the notary by the Texas State Attorney’s Office.
They have given the notary ten business days to respond to the complaint. We could not find the actual date, but it is believed a response is required sometime during the first week of April.
The notary and their attorney appear ready to mount a strong response.
We hope that soon we’ll get to write an article about how the notary triumphed and weathered the Storm.
Some information included in this article was gleaned from CBS DFW News. Please note, the notary’s name and photo are featured quite prominently in the story.
More information can be found at the notary’s attorney, Craig Watkins website.
Credit: Stormy Daniels Photo Provided by Toglenn – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

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